=== Update Notes ===

This update brings in the shortcut converter. This converter will do most of the work of converting shortcuts into Jellycuts. Also included in this update is a new and improved Jellycuts Helper. This helper was written by @BurritoSOFTWARE, it is highly configurable so check out the settings to change anything you want. Dictionaries now also support the entry of JSON. This means that you no longer have to use the dictionary builder to make dictionaries.

== Important Notes ==

When sending in crash reports please share your email or the shortcut that crashed so I can either checkout the shortcut or get back to you to diagnose the issue.

== Shortcuts Notes ==

The data provided by shortcuts is often bloated. This means that extra data is usually taken on top of the actions. This data can be old parts of the action that you have since changed. Sometimes shortcuts does not delete these changes and leaves them sitting there. This causes issues with the convert as it can only work with data given. Shortcuts will need a cleanup after being imported.

What to test

Test the importer

Test the new shortcuts actions

Test the new Jellycuts Helper Shortcut, Thanks Burrito!

Test the new Menu System

Added Features